
Is Green Powder for Dogs' Teeth Worth the Hype?

Green teeth cleaning powder for dogs. What is it exactly? Is it one of those "too good to be true" situations? You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers!

Dog Dental Powder Buzz

In your social feed, you’ve likely seen the ads. There’s a ton of buzz surrounding this weird green dog tooth powder (which, by the way, gets its color from green tea and spinach powder).

And you’re probably wondering: What is it exactly? Is it safe? Can it really eliminate the need for brushing my dog’s teeth? Or ... is it one of those "too good to be true" situations?

So How Does it Work?

You add a scoop on top of the dog’s moistened food once a day, and as they eat, it claims to help clean their teeth and freshen their breath.

Active Ingredients in the Green Dental Powder for Dogs

As dogs chew their meal with this powder mixed in, it's purported to help clean their teeth with plaque- and bad breath-fighting ingredients:

  • Brown algae – yes, it’s a bit pungent (some dogs therefore get excited about it on their food, and others don't like it), but the claim is it helps naturally break down plaque and tartar, which in turn helps curb bad breath in dogs.
  • Proprietary probiotic blend – probiotics could support a healthy balance of bacteria in a dog’s mouth, helping to reduce bad-breath compounds.
  • Rosemary leaf extract – can help promote digestive health & fight smelly bacteria.
  • Green tea – helps target bad breath due to its antioxidant properties.
  • Sodium hexametaphosphate – used to help soften & reduce tartar build-up in dogs. Note: do your due diligence on this ingredient, as many pet parents have reported safety concerns about it.

What Is Sodium Hexametaphosphate & Should I Be Worried About It?

Sodium hexametaphosphate is a salt that's supposed to help reduce tartar formation by binding calcium ions in a dog’s saliva, which prevents them from combining with plaque.

Yet pet parents are a little unsure about this ingredient. After noticing things like diarrhea and vomiting, many users looked at the label and did some digging.

Here’s the deal:

It’s like a double-edged sword scenario. Yes, sodium hexametaphosphate could be effective at reducing tartar, but on the flip side, many experts advise steering clear of this ingredient, or at least keeping exposure to a minimum, to reduce the risk of adverse health effects.

Side effects linked to excess sodium hexametaphosphate or long-term exposure to it:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • High blood pressure
  • Water retention
  • Heart problems
  • Skin & inhalation allergy reactions
  • Kidney problems, such as kidney stones
  • Bone loss

The question you’ll ultimately be faced with: Is it worth the risk?

Remember: your dog's veterinarian is your best resource for helping you make an informed decision about your dog’s dental care.

Should You Jump on the Dog Breath Powder Bandwagon ... Or Proceed With Caution?

As responsible dog parents, we owe it to our loyal friends who count on us for, well, EVERYTHING, to do our homework first.

Here’s how:

  • Talk to your vet. They are the experts for a reason. They can recommend smart dental choices for your dog and help you make an informed decision about their dental care.
  • Read the reviews and see what other dog parents are saying.

Positive Reviews of the Green Powder for Dog Teeth

  • Dog loves the taste, and I love the effect it has on his breath.
  • It is expensive, but it works and that's the most important thing.
  • I have been giving this product to my dog for about a month and have smelled a significant difference in her breath.

Negative Reviews of the Green Powder for Dogs’ Teeth

  • This product actually made my dog’s breath WORSE.
  • I did NOT see the changes your ads marvelously portray.
  • My dog won't touch any food that has even a hint of this powder on it. He typically eats anything so I'm disappointed by this product.

Can You Use the Teeth Cleaning Powder on Cats?

The green teeth cleaning powder is formulated specifically for dogs and is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CATS. Of course, this can be problematic if you have a cat that doesn’t understand the word "boundaries" and is always up in the dog's food bowl.

What's the Best Green Powder Alternative?

If you don’t jump on the green teeth powder bandwagon, don’t worry. This doesn’t mean you’re destined to deal with a lifetime of toothbrushing drama.

Oxyfresh offers a SAFE, simple and effective solution that thousands of loyal dog (and cat) parents swear by: Oxyfresh Pet Dental Water Additive.

Humble brag, it has 36,000+ Reviews.

It’s the EASIEST WAY to fight plaque and fix fishy cat and dog breath without brushing ... just add to pet’s water bowl each day and call it good!

There are no fillers, no toxins, and no flavor cover-ups. Only the good stuff like our proprietary bad breath-fighter Oxygene® – a trusted ingredient in the market for 40 years – that oxidizes bad breath compounds on contact. Plus it contains zinc, a safe, effective dental ingredient that helps stop plaque buildup and strengthen dog & cat gums.

#1 Water Additive on Amazon for a Reason

  • Safe for cats and dogs: Use with confidence for every pet in your home.
  • Easy to use: Simply add a capful to your pet’s water bowl or fountain each day and you’re good to go!
  • Flavor free: No weird mint, tea or meaty flavors! Even the pickiest pets won’t know it’s in their water bowl.
  • Cost-effective pet dental routine: Fight plaque, tartar & bad dog & cat breath each day without breaking the bank.
  • Proven track record: Oxyfresh is a trusted brand, delivering innovative, safe & proven USA-made fresh breath & dental solutions since 1984.

Veterinarians Love Oxyfresh Dental Water Additive

"We Recommend to All Pet Parents"

We recommend this product to all of our clients, especially post dentals.
– Susie Montgomery, DVM

"Best Solution for Bad Dog Breath"

The oral hygiene solution for dogs is the best bad breath solution there is!
– Sharon R.

"Wonderful No-Brushing Solution"

While some dogs will let their owners brush their teeth, cats just are not as compliant. We recommend starting Oxyfresh young and especially after a professional dental cleaning. Two thumbs up to a wonderful no-brushing dental health solution for cats.
– Annie at CatCareDoctor.com

Adopting a dental routine shouldn’t feel like risky business. So do the best for your dog and cat and adopt a WORRY-FREE, hassle-free dental routine with Oxyfresh Pet Dental Water Additive. It’s the easy way to get rid of smelly pet breath and say hello to a fresh, clean smile!

melissa gulbranson oxyfresh cmo

Meet the Author

Melissa Gulbranson is the President of Oxyfresh. A recipient of the Pet Age's "Women of Influence" Award, she’s passionate about educating pet parents in ways that really resonate with them. Melissa loves days on the lake and hiking with her fur kid, Parker, and husband, Doug. Parker (a total ham) can be spotted running laps through the office each morning, greeting every team member. You can find Parker near the treats, and Melissa on Linkedin.