Quit the Booze, for a While

Quit the Booze, for a While

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Alcohol- The buzz since 6,000 BC. Do you know what it does to your body? The reality is that our bodies need a break from it. Here are 7 reasons why you want to add this “to do” to your New Year’s Resolution list: You’ll Lose Weight Alcohol provides little to no benefit to your body other than packing you full of calories and sugar! If you are now consuming 5 alcoholic beverage a week, you could save yourself 39,000 calories, equaling 11 pounds of belly fat per year, by cutting it out. You’ll Stop Overeating Alcohol is one of the biggest drivers of excess food intake. Raise your hand if you have found yourself reaching for foods you otherwise wouldn’t after throwing a few back! Alcohol can crank up your brain’s activity in the hypothalamus … which controls your appetite. French fries anyone? Your Metabolism Will Improve By removing or decreasing your alcohol intake, your body will more likely burn fat stores for energy … instead of last night's beer. You’ll Be Healthier Overall A study completed by New Scientists had their subjects put the sauce down for five weeks. They not only shed some pounds, their cholesterol, blood sugars and liver fat all reduced significantly! You’ll Sleep Better After a few drinks, you may fall asleep easily … but your overall quality of sleep is diminished. Experimental Research found that drinking before bed increases alpha waves, which interfere with getting solid shut-eye. You’ll Have Better Skin Adequate hydration directly relates to fresh, healthy skin. Alcohol decreases the body’s production of an anti-diuretic hormone that helps your body absorb water. This is a double whammy to dehydrate your body, therefore leaving you with not-so-happy skin. You Change Disease Risk Both ways. If you drink moderately, there are benefits such as lowering your odds of heart disease and stroke. If you cut the booze, you may lower your risk of developing several cancers. In this category, the important take home is MODERATION! When you go overboard, you are punishing your body (and feel less than great the next day). Hot Tip: if you find yourself having a little too much fun, make sure to drink plenty of water. Even better, ensure your water has Vitality! Alcohol depletes our body of B vitamins and Vitality is the perfect remedy, restoring those essential vitamins to give you more peep to your step in the AM.

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