Keep the Weight Off and Party On

Keep the Weight Off and Party On

Feed Your Mind Reading Keep the Weight Off and Party On 3 minutes Next Top Sure Ways To Boost Your Metabolism
Hooray for the holiday season! It's that time of year again where we enjoy getting together with family and friends. Schedules quickly fill up with parties and dinners to reconnect with loved ones. These events enrich our lives and actually improve our health. You don't want to skip them because you are worried about ruining your diet. From ugly sweater parties to fancy holiday buffets at incredible restaurants, these gatherings are food for our souls. They are also the driving force behind holiday weight gain. So many incredible treats to sample and traditional holiday dishes that we look forward to each year. It's easy for us to add 1,000 calories or more to our diet at each event. I haven't even mentioned the favorite beverages yet! Now multiply those 1,000 calories x 6-10 events between Thanksgiving and New Year's and they will derail anyone's diet.

So What Can You Do To Stay On Track And Still Attend?

Go in with a plan! Remember those days you have gone grocery shopping on an empty stomach? Came home with enough food to feed a small army? We've all done it. Our eyes get bigger than our stomach when we are hungry. Check out our Oxyfresh nutrition products when your in the mood for shopping. If we go in hungry to a holiday gathering we can easily eat 2-3x what we would have if we prepared. Instead, have a quick, healthy snack prior to the event. This quiets our hunger and keeps us from being compelled to over eat. It also helps us stay focused on aunt Edna's cat stories. A great option for a quick snack is the balanced meal replacement shake called VIBE. This shake can quickly be shaken up in ice cold water and drank right before the event. It will be just the right combination of protein, fats and carbohydrates to keep your hunger at bay, but not fill you up so much that you can't enjoy the holiday food. Try it at your next event and you'll be surprised at how much less you eat, but you still enjoy. Afterwards you'll thank yourself for planning and not having to deal with the guilt!