Oxyfresh Cage & Crate Cleaner Featured as a "Healthy PAWS" Pick in Modern Dog Magazine
When you have dogs, summertime can be a SMELLY time! Fortunately, Modern Dog magazine, the lifestyle magazine for modern dogs and their companions, offers a trusted solution in their summer 2023 edition: Oxyfresh Cage & Crate Cleaner.
In their "Healthy PAWS" section, Oxyfresh Cage & Crate Cleaner was named a must-have for a fresh clean crate.
The article states: "Accidents and messes in your pup’s crate happen. The Oxyfresh Cage & Crate Cleaner is made without any solvents, harsh chemicals, or added fragrance. It’s a simple and safe cleaning solution for all crate types!"
Only Oxyfresh Cage & Crate Cleaner uses the power of proprietary Oxygene® to neutralize smelly odors on contact – no fragrance coverups – while tackling bacteria that messes can leave behind. It’s the trusted cleaner of veterinarians, doggy daycare owners, groomers, and legions of loyal dog lovers.
Keep those fresh summer vibes going strong and order this Healthy PAWS pick today!