Halitosis Solutions that WORK

Halitosis Solutions that WORK

You may have patients calling your office to schedule or inquire about oral malodor. Whether they’ve noticed it for a while or recently become aware of the condition due to mask-wearing, it’s a common discussion between dental professionals and patients.

Causes of Halitosis

Outside of preventative care, halitosis and pain are the two most common reasons patients seek dental care. Mask wearing has brought to light the awareness of halitosis for many individuals.

There are many causes of malodor, which may include periodontal conditions and caries. One of the most common sources is an overgrowth of bacteria on the tongue. An imbalance in the oral microbiome can set the stage for halitosis, as well as other common dental conditions.


Patients often state they’re brushing to no avail when trying to combat halitosis. They quickly become frustrated with the results. In reality, they may be using a less effective toothpaste compared to the Oxyfresh line of toothpastes.

The Oxygene® (chlorine dioxide) and zinc in Oxyfresh toothpastes, combined with essential oils, provide a recipe to reduce or eliminate dental malodor.

Many patients don’t instinctively brush their tongue as part of a home care routine. Many who do struggle through a gag reflex to brush to the best of their ability. Brushing the tongue with a chlorine dioxide-containing paste, such as Fresh Breath Lemon Mint from Oxyfresh, or using a tongue scraper, should be part of any oral care routine to reduce the bacterial load.

Not All Rinses Are the Same

Mouthrinse has been a staple product in the dental products market for decades, often using an alcohol-based formula that kills bacteria, both good and bad. Alcohol-based rinses are risky for those with xerostomia, often causing dry mouth and caries risk to worsen.

A better alternative is an Oxygene®-based formula that has been proven to neutralize odor-causing bacteria. Fresh Breath mouthrinse by Oxyfresh provides a mild lemon-mint flavor combined with zinc and essential oils for lasting protection.

Alcohol-free is key to ensure a non-drying effect, while Oxygene® and zinc work their magic on bad breath. Dental Products Report recently published an article showcasing the benefits of chlorine dioxide as a daily alternative to alcohol-based rinses.

Bacterial plaque is a known culprit to cause odor, yet removing it from all aspects of the oral cavity is impossible. Post-surgery, and as part of a periodontal therapy program, chlorhexidine may be prescribed. However, there may be a better alternative.

Chlorhexidine is not intended for long-term use, and patients often complain of the staining. A gentle and effective alternative that can be used long-term is any product in the Oxyfresh rinse line. The Oxygene® present will combat halitosis without the side effect of staining.

Providing the Right Tools

Brushing with Fresh Breath Oxygene®-containing toothpaste, combined with Fresh Breath rinse for extra protection, will help ensure happy and confident smiles for your patients. And you can be confident in providing a solution to ensure lasting fresh breath!