Dog with Toothbrush

Quick Tips: Everything You Need to Know About Caring for Your Dog's Teeth

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Brushing your dog’s teeth may not be your top priority, but there are more than a few compelling reasons to make time for the task.

According to the American Veterinary Dental College, periodontal disease is the most common condition seen in adult dogs.

Considering the fact that periodontal disease is 100% avoidable, this data is hard to swallow. Moreover, periodontal disease can lead to a number of other systematic diseases.

Veterinarians can perform routine cleanings and examinations of your dog’s mouth.

Also, you should brush daily, offer a balanced diet, and examine your pup’s mouth routinely.

To Minimize Dogs Bad Breath

Bad breath is often the sign of periodontal disease. Produced by odorous bacteria, unpleasant breath, it should not be ignored.

It may be a sign that your dog is lacking proper dental care or be linked to another health issue.

If you don’t already schedule routine cleanings for your dog, now would be the time to start. A veterinarian can scrape stubborn plaque from the surface of the tooth and identify any structural issues.

You may also want to consider the quality of your dog’s diet. Hard treats can cut or damage teeth.

Moreover, excessive chewing can put unprecedented pressure on gums.

Stick with foods that are high in protein and developed for the appropriate age, size, and health of your dog. A veterinarian can help you to select the best product.

Continue to brush and examine your dog’s teeth regularly to prevent unnecessary decay!

To Prevent Dog Tooth Infection

An abscessed tooth can be very painful for a dog and can even inhibit their ability to eat.

Unfortunately, it can often be difficult to detect an infection until it is in an advanced stage and requires expensive medical procedures.

Signs your dog may have developed a tooth infection include limited ability to chew their food, resistance to being touched on the face, facial swelling, and red, swollen gums.

Neglecting to properly care for your canine’s teeth can lead to this excruciating condition.

Preventative care, such as brushing, mindful diet choices, and frequent examinations, are the key to good oral health.

To Stop Dogs Teeth Falling Out

In advanced stages of periodontal disease, a canine may even begin to experience loose, failing teeth.

This is extremely unfortunate because, with proper preventive care, the disease is altogether avoidable.

Commit to a daily hygiene routine and seek professional treatment when issues develop. Tooth loss is a serious issue that can result in a number of additional health issues.

Basics of Oral Care for Dogs

Oral care for dogs is simple. However, it is crucial that you develop a routine as early as possible.

Set aside time each day to brush your dog’s teeth with a specialized brush and paste. Never use pastes advertised for humans, as they may contain ingredients that are harmful to pets.

As you brush, take note of the condition of your pet’s mouth. Swollen, bloody, or receding gums should be mentioned at your dog’s next veterinarian appointment.

Dog Teeth Cleaning: At Home

You only need a few simple supplies to properly brush your canine’s teeth at home. In addition, timing can be crucial.

  1. First, find a doggy toothbrush that is the correct size for your dog.
  2. Then, select a pet-friendly toothpaste that can combat plaque, bacteria, and, optimistically, halitosis.
  3. Sit down at your dog’s level and gently touch the outside of your dog’s mouth. Proceeding with caution, work the brush into your dog’s mouth and brush your dog’s teeth and gums in a repetitive circular motion.

It may take multiple sessions before your dog is comfortable with you brushing their entire mouth.

However, a healthy mouth is well worth the time and effort.

Dog Teeth Cleaning: How Often

Have you ever wondered how often you should be cleaning your dog’s teeth?

The answer is, as often as possible. If you are able to brush their teeth three times a week, you’re at a good place. Don’t expect to clean your dog’s teeth every night.

Dogs can be rightfully apprehensive about letting human hands or brushes into their mouth. It may take a considerable amount of time to establish a daily brushing routine.

Dogs that have a preexisting periodontal disease may be aggressive when it comes to their mouths. Painful abscesses and sensitive gums can make it difficult for them to endure a brushing.

Use gentle products and consult with a veterinarian about your pet’s oral hygiene.

Dog Teeth Cleaning: Best Products

It is important to choose a cleaning product that can gently, yet thoroughly clean your pup’s mouth.

Avoid products with cheap, sometimes harmful additives and fillers. Your pet’s oral health is paramount to their well-being.

Oxyfresh’s Pet Gel is a gentle cleansing formula that helps eliminate harmful bacteria, cellular debris, and bad breath while soothing sore gums and other oral irritations.

It incorporates all-natural ingredients, such as carrageen, to help relieve pain, and Oxygene, to disinfect and eliminate nasty odors.

Pet Dental Water Additive is an innovative water additive that helps to eliminate bad breath, reduce periodontal disease, and kill harmful bacteria without ever having to brush.

All you need to do is add a small portion of this solution to your dog’s bowl. A wonderful product for stubborn or resistant pups, Oxyfresh’s water additive is safe and veterinarian approved!

>>>When you purchase Oxyfresh’s Pet Fresh Breath Kit, you get an ample supply of Oxyfresh Pet Oral Hygiene Solution and Pet Gel. Combined, these products help to drastically improve your dog’s oral health!

Take care of your precious four-legged family members and give them the best possible future by taking proactive steps to protect their teeth. They will wag their tails in thanks!