7 Habits of Super-Productive People

7 Habits of Super-Productive People

Do you find yourself envying your friends who seem to have superpowers at being super-efficient? Ever wonder how they can pop out of bed (sans snooze), write a to-do list and check it off each day? And on top of it all, they are always on time and organized. Well, research has found that there are 7 Habits of Super-Productive People. If you want to be super-productive, you can be! So what are the 7 habits of these super-productive people? 1. They don't believe in messiness 2. They schedule everything (even family time) 3. They follow through 4. They don't check emails as often 5. They don't forget about themselves 6. They sweeten the pot (a little self-bribery can go a long way) 7. They make technology work for them