
Oxyfresh Featured in Pet Product News International

In their March 2019 issue, Oxyfresh Pet Dental Spray is featured in their Dog Marketplace section, which showcases new and innovative products that are making an immediate impact in t

Oxyfresh - Featured Pet Product News International Pet Dental Spray

Oxyfresh Pet Dental Spray Featured in Pet Product News International's March 2019 Issue

Pet Product News International helps groomers, veterinarians, and pet lovers alike find the latest news and information on pet-related products.

In their March 2019 issue, Oxyfresh Pet Dental Spray is featured in their Dog Marketplace section, which showcases new and innovative products that are making an immediate impact in the marketplace, specifically in the world of dogs.

"This convenient spray gently neutralizes bad cat and dog breath. It's free from flavors and harmful ingredients such as clove oil, green tea, alcohol and harsh chemicals, and it's formulated to help prevent gum disease. The product doesn't mask odors; its patented blend of Oxygene® and zinc safely eliminates bacteria at the source."

Find Oxyfresh Pet Dental Spray and our complete line of premium pet care products at oxystaging.wpengine.com.