Zinc ... It Does a Body Good

Zinc ... It Does a Body Good

We all remember the days of overdosing the body with vitamin C to "build our immune system" and fend off colds. Well, study after study shows vitamin C does little to nothing to prevent the common cold. There is a better way to fend off the rhinovirus (aka - the pesky common cold). Zinc is a mineral that studies show can cut the length of a cold and reduce symptom severity. Harvard Medical School researchers recommend 15-25 mg of zinc per day. This daily dose supports your T-Cell function (immune cells). Don't think that more zinc is even better, as it can actually produce the opposite result and interfere with the immune system! An easy way to incorporate 15 mg of zinc on a daily basis is to enjoy a shot of Vitality each day.

Also try the other Oxyfresh Nutritional Products!