Are New Year's Resolutions Bad?

Are New Year's Resolutions Bad?

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You are two weeks into your 2016 New Year's Resolution. Congratulations ... you are a rare breed! Only 8% of resolution makers stick to them. Whether your goal is to become skinnier, happier, or more organized, the hard fact is, most people will fall off their plan after just one week into it. The unspoken notion that New Year's Resolutions could be BAD for you should stop you in your tracks! Most New Year's Resolutions fail because they lack a plan. Also, do you really expect to change a lifelong behavior in one magical day? In one week? Let's say your plan is to eat less. Do you have a meal plan or road map to show you what that means? Or perhaps you do have a plan, but at some point you fail on "eating less." Do you have a plan on how to get back on the wagon? Instead, will you fail and chalk it up that you don't have the resolution (pun intended) to stick with ANYTHING in life? What can you do to set yourself up for successful Resolutions ANY DAY OF THE YEAR? Follow these 7 steps ...
  1. Pick One Thing: Don't try to change your entire life. Commit to one, concrete goal for roughly one month, or until it becomes a habit. Also, pick a resolution that is realistic!
  2. Plan Ahead: Research what you need in place before starting. For example, want to run a 5k in 2016? Study up on what gear you need, what race you will sign up for and get a training plan so you know the commitment it takes.
  3. Anticipate Problems: Make a list of anticipated road bumps. For example, trying to lose 10 pounds? Write down your peak craving times and what you crave. Make a plan for what you will do in place of eating that food item and how you will stock your kitchen or work cooler to keep yourself in line.
  4. Pick A Start Date: You don't have to pick January 1 or nothing. Any day of the year can be your start date! Make sure your launch date is one where you feel well-rested, enthusiastic and surrounded by positive people.
  5. Go For It: Go all in 100%. Make affirmation cards, place them in your house, your car, or at work. For example, want to kick smoking to the curb? Your affirmation card may say, "I enjoy a clean, smoke-free life!" Even more powerful, share with loved ones what your goal and affirmations are. They can be there for you when you feel weak.
  6. Accept Failure: It will happen, so don't hate yourself for it! Perseverance is the key to success. Learn from the "relapse" and move on stronger.
  7. Plan Rewards: At first, rewards can be more frequent. Then, as you build momentum, they can become weekly, monthly then an annual celebration! Pick something that excites you. Seeing a movie, a siesta or buy your fave magazine.
This is a simple way to pat yourself on the back for the hard work of forming a new habit in 2016!
Want to read the full article to learn how to rock 2016? Check it out.